MV Desert Hope
Las Cruces, New Mexico
MV Desert Hope was established by the Mesilla Valley Public Housing Authority (MVPHA) to support affordable housing development for low-income individuals. MVPHA owns and/or manages over 2,200 affordable housing units throughout Southern New Mexico.
Clearinghouse CDFI provided $3.4 million in financing for MV Desert Hope to renovate the Desert Hope Apartments in Las Cruces from 20 market-rate units into 40 affordable apartment homes. These apartments will serve households earning ≤ 30% of area median income.
Desert Hope Apartment renovations include a new community plaza and free access for residents to transportation for medical and social service needs. Of the 40 total affordable units, 36 will receive additional rental subsidies via 20-year term housing assistance contracts.
MV Desert Hope
MV Desert Hope
Loan Amount
Clearinghouse CDFI Loan Creates Affordable Apartment Homes for 40 Extremely Low-Income Households
The Impact
affordable apartment
homes created for households
earning ≤ 30% AMI